Cybersecurity is becoming increasingly important

ST LOUIS, MO (StLouisWeb.Design) The number and size of cyberattacks are increasing.  The criminals that perform these acts are now targeting large companies as well.  As technology increases, so do hackers’ technology and skills to know and successfully hack some of the most advanced systems in the world.

A few weeks ago, we witnessed the pipeline from Texas to the northeast was shut down due to hackers.  Today, it was announced on CNBC that hackers were attacking the world’s largest meat supplier.

As these hackers become increasingly successful in extorting money from the victims increases the odds that the attacks will continue until they are caught.  Needless to say, it will never stop.

While we do everything possible to do the normal things to protect our servers and your business website, more will need to be done to protect yourself.

The steps we take are:

  1. Firewall on servers
  2. Basic firewalls are added to WordPress websites that redirect the login page to hide the login page.
  3. Limits the number of failed login attempts to 3-4 within a 5 to 15-minute range
  4. Incorrect user names are automatically blocked permanently

We own our servers.  If your website gets hacked, the hackers have access to our servers, which gives them control over our systems and access to other websites held on the penetrated site/server.

As hackers are increasing their attacks and successfully collecting ransom money, the need for additional coverage increases as well.  As a result, we will be asking our customers to spend more money on hosting and additional firewalls to protect their business websites.

We will develop a plan that will increase hosting costs or make it an add-on fee.  Nonetheless, hosting costs will increase due to these hackers.  This is a global problem for small as well as large businesses.  We don’t hear much regarding the small attacks.  Most small businesses will leave their existing host provider and set up a new website…

We are disclosing this plan for an increase in hosting cost because even large businesses with high IT budgets cannot protect their systems.  However, whether you are a small or large business, you need to do what you can to protect your website.  For that business that has online e-commerce functionality on your website increases the liability if you are hacked because exposing customers’ personal information has severe liabilities.